OUR PRE-RELEASE BOOKS ARE NOW AVAILABLE AT THE WORLD’S BIGGEST BOOK RETAILER KINOKUNIYA IN NEW YORK AND LOS ANGELES AND ALBERTINE BOOK STORE NEXT TO THE NEW YORK MET. We are so grateful to the bookstores and buyers for pre-releasing our books as we prepare for our Kickstarter launch.

TigreFou Editions is a minority and woman owned publisher and we’ve printed 3 books in the last 4 years. All our books have won awards. We’ve won 21 awards for art direction, book design, and photography, including Best of Show in 2022.

We are a small team of four artists competing amongst corporate giants like MGM, Disney, Audi, Caesars, Coca Cola, etc, so to be even recognized is surprising but also a feat as we all work incredibly hard and are dedicated to creating beautiful and inspiring art books.
Tigrefou Editions is made up of an incredible team, Creative Director & Photographer Francis George, Designer Mami Awamura, Writers & Poets Phoenix Brown and Judy Choi.
Please buy our books and support Tigrefou Editions so we can keep making beautiful books.